Data marketing

Client : Undisclosed

Industry : Proptech


Our client, a real estate company that owns 20+ properties, reached out to us with a problem. Their properties, mainly commercial centers, average over 45 million customer visits a year in total, yet they are unable to build any data-driven intelligence on their flow of visitors beyond mere footfall estimates. The business lacked the strategic data necessary to drive customers to their malls and the advanced realized indicators to back up their commercial efforts with regard to tenants.


Our idea here consisted in creating a platform able to gather and connect data flowing from multiple systems. Firstly, a set of mall-specific mobile apps, offering loyalty programs, surveys, and activations to the visitors. Secondly, a network of GDPR cameras, allowing us to record real-time customer flow KPIs. Thirdly, an energy management system with energy and water consumption KPIs, and lastly the business’ resource portal used for the relationship with tenants.


45 million visits represent 45 million potential data points. This data now transits in real-time through pipelines and is loaded onto a warehouse that feeds dashboards and models that allow smart data-driven decision-making by crossing data from different sources that were disconnected previously, reducing operational risk and latencies in information sharing. The marketing team is now armed with a tool that provides customer intelligence and smart targeted communication that drives more flow.

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